Thursday 26 February 2015

Un autre introduction

Why this blog, dude?

I only intend this to be a slight departure from my last blog project, Right Sort of Hat, which I loved once, but let the relationship atrophy from inactivity.  This project will more carefully follow the contours of my food thoughts.  That describes at least 80% of the other blog.  This blog will not be better, per se.  I don't even foresee it being updated with greater frequency.  Read to the letter, my intention with this blog is simply to swear less.  My lexicon of profanity is fantastic.  I could dedicate an entire blog to creative, bombastic vulgarities, and I might, but this one is for the children.

Why swear less when you are so good at it?

I work with food, and I work with the public.  My entire life I have written with the intention of having a public made up of casual readers and other writers.  I read a lot of William Burroughs and Charles Bukowski and Henry Miller - my prose developed a lot of antisocial tendencies.  More than I am actually antisocial?  The verdict is still out.  In any event I grew up and started cooking and selling produce for a small farmer at a major produce market.  The habit of writing was retained, but the intention of making that my primary hustle diminished.  My worldview expanded to include the sugar content of carrots and history of salt alongside paranoid universes were people sell addictive things that come out of gross alien things.  Now I find that I have formed opinions and knowledge about many food matters that I would like to communicate.  I have in the past, but in a tongue muscular from four letter reps. I would like to not have to think twice before shooting a link to a coworker or customer that asks about it. 

As a hypothetical new reader, what should I know about you?

I am a professional cook, produce salesman, and soon to be gardener.  I like soul food, sharp knives, ancient cultures, religious poetry, hip hop (although I won't dwell on it), cartoons, and frequently separating my thoughts with sub-headings or numbered chapters.   I work in a smokehouse all week, and dogs follow me through the streets hoping to make me into treats.  I used to write poetry and wanted to show it to the people, but I promise I won't bore you any more.  I have instagram.